A knowledge Alliance in Eco-Innovation Entrepreneurship
to Boost SMEs Competitiveness “SMecoMP”
A knowledge Alliance in Eco-Innovation Entrepreneurship
to Boost SMEs Competitiveness “SMecoMP”
The SMecoMP project concerns the development of an educational framework and appropriate training tools to improve the skills of business executives in Eco-Innovation Entrepreneurship.
The consortium of the SMecoMP project is made up of organizations from four Balkan countries [Greece (University of Macedonia, Federation of Industries of Greece), Cyprus (Cyprus University of Technology, Cypriot Enterprise Link), Bulgaria (Bulgarian Industrial Association, Trakia University) and North Macedonia (St. Clement of Ohrid University of Bitola, Agency for Promotion of the Entrepreneurship of the Republic of North Macedonia)] and seeks to achieve cross-border co-operation between businesses and universities in order to promote and raise awareness of environmental innovation and entrepreneurship.